Trips on Foot

Florida Trail: Day 2
Florida Trail: Day 1

FT: Day 0-ish
FT: Getting to Florida

PCT Day 6 Trail Notes: Overlook of Cigarette Hills to Grapevine Mountain Area

PCT Day 5 Trail Notes: Oriflamme Canyon to Overlook of Cigarette Hills

PCT Day 4 Trail Notes: Mt. Laguna to Oriflamme Canyon

PCT Day 3 Trail Notes: Kitchen Creek Falls Junction to Mt. Laguna

PCT Day 2 Trail Notes: Hauser Creek to the Kitchen Creek Falls Junction

PCT Day 1 Trail Notes: Southern Terminus to Hauser Creek
Day 0: Driving to El Cajon

PCT Gear Photos
The semi-obligatory pre-trail gear post. Sorry, but there’s not an accompanying YouTube video.

How to follow my trip?

Leave No Trace Principles

Fall Canyon - Death Valley

Attempting Lone Pine Peak

Baxter Pass

Fall Colors at Convict Lake

Telescope Peak