PCT Day 2 Trail Notes: Hauser Creek to the Kitchen Creek Falls Junction

High Point of the Day: The sunset at Kitchen Creek Falls junction was epic

Low Point of the Day: Feet... two blisters, I regret not having my toe socks with me, and learning about the incoming storm and how it was intensifying

  • Section: A

  • PCT Miles: 15.4 to 28.6

  • Distance Walked Today*: 14.7

  • Steps for the Day*: 33436

  • Temperature (Perception): Pleasant in the morning, very warm from Lake Morena to Boulder Oak, and pleasant again for the climb to camp overlooking Interstate 8

  • Wind (Perception): almost no breeze

  • Cloud Cover: mares tailes to near 70% coverage, but nothing threatening

  • Precipitation: none

  • Trail Surface: mostly smooth, minor slightly sandy sections and a few rocky sections

  • Terrain: rolling hills to pasture-like and back partially up a mountain

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Weather

  • ⭐⭐⭐ Difficulty

  • ⭐⭐ Physical Energy

  • ⭐⭐⭐ Scenery

  • ⭐⭐ Mental State

  • Number of photos for the day: 139

  • Total time-lapse sequences: Started the second just as the sun was setting (I'll probably split it into three separate sequences- sunset, night sky, and sunrise)

  • Number of video clips: One for each mile, plus camp at the start of the day


Blisters and general soreness. I didn't intend to hike this much for the first two days, but the anticipated weather accelerated my plans. The switch from a mild 3-4 inches of snow to a multi-day 10-14 inch snowstorm meant extra miles to reach Mt. Laguna before the storm moved in.
Camped at the trail junction for the Kitchen Creek Falls with Scorch and Uncle Nomad, overlooking Interstate 8.

Observations (wildlife, plants, views, etc.)

  • Lake Morena
  • One very small creek crossing with two boards across it (not ready to filter that quality of water quite yet)
  • Walked under two roads, including Interstate 8
  • Refilled water at the Lake Morena and Boulder Oak campground

People on the Trail:

  • Uncle Nomad and ADL (All Day Long)
  • Will (no trail name yet)

Cheers & Jeers (Gear, Food, etc.):

Oy, my feet. Probably need to switch shoes sooner rather than later. Also, seems like there is something wrong with my filter. It's very, very slow.

What did I listen to?

  • Started Durant's Lessons in History (via Audible)
  • Listened to several podcasts as well

PCT Day 3 Trail Notes: Kitchen Creek Falls Junction to Mt. Laguna


PCT Day 1 Trail Notes: Southern Terminus to Hauser Creek