Liz Livermont
Living in Independence, California in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada. After years of graduate work in Engineering, I realized that I missed the slower pace of home and returned to the Owens Valley. I worked at our local museum for several years, spending my free time backpacking, capturing stills for time lapses, and traveling across the United States. Starting March 2022, I’ll embark on a new chapter as a long distance thru-hiker.
Interested in supporting my photography and/or wilderness experiences?
First and foremost, I’d appreciate it if you subscribed to my mailing list. I send emails (via Mailchimp) when I’ve posted new content (trail updates, photos or videos). Please enter your email below. I’ll never share your email or solicit monetary support from this list.
If you want to monetarily support my travels, thank you.
Prior to helping me, please consider supporting the Inyo County Search and Rescue Team. They’re a great non-profit organization. The following is copied from their site:
Donations can be made by sending a check made out to “Inyo County Search and Rescue” to:
Inyo County Search and Rescue, PO BOX 982, Bishop, CA 93515
If possible, mailing a check is preferable so that the team (not PayPal) can fully benefit from your kindness.
It is also possible to donate via PayPal from a link on their website.
If you are still interested in supporting my adventures, I maintain a Ko-fi account and have a Patreon page.
The premise of Ko-fi (rhymes with coffee) is that you can buy a creative a “virtual” cup of coffee, with a single, one-time donation.
Patreon is slightly different and is membership-based. Patrons (the term for supporters) pledge a self-determined amount per month (but you can cancel or pause your support at any time). I will be posting links to each YouTube video and blog post on Patreon as a single source of new content.