“It’s the journey, not the destination”
Putting one foot in front of the other, sauntering thru life
The constant search for one more vista, peak, alpine lake, wildflower or on occasion cranky marmot
2023 Florida Trail Thru Hike
Veni Vedi Cepi
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Time-Lapses of the Eastern and High Sierra
Muir dubbed the Sierra Nevada the Range of Light, and it’s hard to argue. In 2021, I decided to make a concerted effort to document either sunrise or sunset as often as possible. Off trail that meant wandering the Owens Valley, Long Valley, and up past Mono Lake. As the year progresses, these videos will begin to feature the Sierra backcountry.
Because I firmly believe that the experience is just as important as the final product, I’m making a commitment to publish each video, regardless of the quality of the light my camera has captured. Sometimes, the sky will ignite with color, but often it’s a subtle change in tones.
I comb through hundreds of posts while researching locations and gear for trips.
Each trip, grand or short, requires planning: weather forecasts, anticipated itineraries, gear lists, etc.
Routes with maps, overview of the places visited, and snapshots, plus suggested alternates
The trip isn’t over until the completed time-laspe videos and selected photographs are uploaded
Contact me.
Have a question? Need some advice on planning a photography/ backpacking trip? Interested in purchasing a print?